Course Overrides
If during the registration process you encounter an error adding a course, you may need to request an override.
How to Request an Override
It is important to know that only the department that teaches the course has the authority to grant an override. For example, if you are trying to register for SO 1103, only the Sociology Department can grant a corresponding override for that course.
When Requesting an Override, Always Include:
- Student Name
- Student netID
- Course Code including Prefix, Course Number, and Section Number
- Semester: Winter, Spring, Summer (include term), Fall
- Type of Override
- Reason for Request
- Example: Bully Bulldog, bbd1878, EN 1113 sec 05, Spring semester, prerequisite override - I completed English Comp I at community college
Once an override has been placed on your record, you must register for the course online in the same way that you register for any other course.
Please keep in mind that not all override requests can be granted.
Examples of overrides include:
- Prerequisite - You may not currently meet prerequisite requirements
- Class Capacity - Course is at capacity limits (within room max capacities)
- Repeat Limit & Hours - You've already taken the course and passed, but you're planning on retaking it
- Major or College - You are not currently enrolled in the Major or Academic College for that course
- Student Classification - You are not classified as the required level, such as Junior standing
To know which override you need, you may need to contact your advisor.
If you need to request an override for a course, please email the appropriate contact within the department/college
Mississippi State and the Registrar have begun using waitlists for select undergraduate business courses on the Starkville campus. Students wishing to add a full section can join the waitlist through Banner 9 Registration and see their position on the waitlist.
- Waitlists will be used for undergraduate, Starkville campus sections with section number 01, 02, etc. No class capacity overrides will be given for these sections
- Meridian (section 202) and Online Education (sections 501, 502, etc.) will not use waitlists and instead required capacity overrides if a section is full.
- For a video demonstration of how to join the waitlist for a section, click this link!
- To join a Starkville campus course utilizing waitlst, you must follow the waitlist instructions.
- If a seat becomes available, then the first student on the waitlist will receive an email from MSU's Registrar's Office stating you can add the course within 24 hours. This time limit will be shortened during the first week of class.
- This process is handled automatically by Banner 9 registration. You will not need to contact the instructor, department, or college office about a waitlist.
- A student may be enrolled in one section and on the waitlist for one other section of the same course. After receiving a notification to add the waitlisted section, the student must first drop the original section before adding the new one.